New Strategic Plan 2023-2026

New Strategic Plan 2023-2026

July 19, 2023

The Passenger Transportation Board (Board) has updated its three-year Strategic Plan (2023-2026)(4 MB). This Strategic Plan focuses on the following: 

  • Positioning the Board to fulfill its expanded role and mandate. 
  • Supporting ongoing organizational transformation. 
  • Strengthening engagement with interest parties. 
  • Promoting a healthy and vibrant passenger transportation industry in BC.

Updated Role and Mandate of the Board

The Board’s role and mandate has expanded as a result of the following: 

  • Introduction of Transportation Network Services, also known as ride-hailing. 
  • Clarification of the Board’s jurisdiction as: 
    • Independent decision-maker with exclusive jurisdiction over key aspects of the passenger transportation industry. 
    • Economic regulator expected to equitably balance sectors of the passenger transportation industry in the public interest.
    • Integrator of broader policy goals into the passenger transportation framework.
  • Direction that the Board collect, analyze, and provide data to support objective, evidence-based decision-making.

Mission, Vision and Values

Over the past year, the Board has engaged in strategic planning to define their mission, vision, and values, in light of its expanded role and mandate. Details are listed in the Strategic Plan (2023-2026)(4 MB).

Strategic Priorities

To appropriately support the Boards expanded role and mandate the following strategic priorities have been established:

  • Review and modernize Board policies and procedures.
  • Transition to data-driven and objective evidence-based decision-making.
  • Special Committee review.
  • Revitalize engagement with industry. 
  • Systemic decisions, notably systemic decisions on rates.


The following goals will aid in supporting the Boards expanded mandate and role to promote a healthy and vibrant passenger transportation industry.

  • Developing economic expertise. 
  • Ensuring licensees are fit and proper, capable of providing their services. 
  • Supporting environmental sustainability. 
  • Promoting service in low-density regions.
  • Protecting public safety.

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