

When taxi, ride-hail, limo and shuttle and inter-city bus operators apply for a passenger transportation licence, they show the Passenger Transportation Board that they are:

  • a fit and proper person to provide the service; and
  • capable of providing the service.

The Board considers applicant fitness when it makes a decision on a licence:  

  • New, amendment and transfer applications for Special Authorization passenger transportation licences
  • Urgent Public Need applications
  • Temporary Operating Permit applications

The Board may conduct a fitness review of a licensee at any time to make sure that it continues to be fit, proper and capable.

Fit and proper

The term "fit and proper" means that a licensee has a responsibility to exercise the powers granted with a passenger transportation licence. Fit and proper people:  

  • Conduct themselves and their business lawfully
  • Uphold the integrity of the passenger transportation industry
  • Promote public confidence in the passenger transportation industry
  • Abide by certain standards of conduct

The Board has outlined its Fit and Proper policy in its policy manual, including factors the Board considers when assessing fit and proper.


Capability shows the applicant has the ability or qualities necessary to meet its licensee obligations skillfully and effectively. Capable applicants have:

  • Knowledge and understanding of passenger transportation requirements and policies, and are able to follow them.
  • Background, skills, knowledge, and financing to operate the proposed service.
  • Sound, consistent and reasonable (i.e. realistic) business plans and financial information for the service proposed.

The Board has outlined its Capable policy in its policy manual, including factors the Board considers when assessing capability.